5s sort

5S: Sort

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

“When in Doubt, Move it Out” The first step in 5S is Sorting essential from non-essential items.  The goal is to leave only the items […]

5s set in order

5S: Straighten (Set in Order)

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

The straighten step establishes designated locations for everything.  This ensures that tools, materials and resources can be found easily when they are needed, and are […]

5s Shine

5S: Shine

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

Organization and cleanliness go hand-in-hand.  After eliminating the non-essential items (sort) and placing everything essential in its proper place (straighten), the next step is to […]

5S Standardize

5S: Standardize

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

As with any program, success is dependent on the expectations, guidelines and continued monitoring of the program.  5S is not a spring cleaning activity that […]


5S: Sustain

February 1, 2016 mmllmm 0

The most important element of 5S is developing and encouraging total employee involvement. 5S is not a program for a portion of the workforce.  Everyone, […]

Lean Manufacturing Tools

Lean Manufacturing Tools

February 1, 2016 mmllmm 0

Lean Manufacturing provides a methodology for eliminating waste and improving organizations.  This methodology developed over the last 50+ years, and has yielded a wide array […]