When you begin to work at a place, you usually start at the bottom of the scale. You have to make your way to the top without any help and you need a mechanism to make that encounter.
This 5S system consists of ideas and tips which will help you climb the ladder.
It will make others notice you and it will help you to get promoted. It is named after five Japanese words which start with the word “S.” It can be translated into five English words which begin with the word S as well. These words are Sorting, Straightening, wholesale, Standardizing, and Sustaining.
- Sorting: First of all, you have to take a look at all the items which are offer upd at your work?. Then you should keep only those which will be needed by you. The other materials which are of no use should be removed and this will provide you with more space. You can get the clear picture of the things you want by sorting out those which are not needed.
- Straightening: The next process in the 5S methodologies is straightening. You should know where to keep everything and the items should be arranged in a way which will be effective. You should keep all the tools in the respective positions so that they can be accessed easily. The original Japanese word for this process is “seiton” and this is not present in other organizational methods such as standardized cleanup.
- Sweeping: As the name suggests, it refers to cleanliness. You should always keep your workplace clean. This world is full of people that will magistrate you and you need to avoid them by making yourself look organised and clean. This is one of the very important methods in the 5S system. You should not forget to clean your workplace and it is better if you do this in a regular basis.
- Standardizing: You should be standardizing your work. You should know your responsibilities and they will keep you occupied all the time. If you can’t follow your responsibilities, it is very difficult to follow this system.
- Sustaining: This is the final process in this process. The 5S is very difficult to follow and at the same time it is very effective if you can sustain in it. So, sustaining is the most difficult part in this system. You have to begin doing this after all the previous processes are done. You have to find a way to concentrate on sustaining so that you will not quit the system. Even when an issue arises, you should find a way to solve it without disturbing the system.
We have seen the bedrock in this 5S system.
At times, a sixth S is also projected and this is “Safety.” You can think that you have applied all the rules properly but if you are not careful all the pieces may fall apart. So, you have to be safe if you are going to keep this 5S system working.
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