lay outinpact for oee

Lay-Out Impact on OEE

April 2, 2018 mmllmm 0

Finally, it is important to consider how the focus of the design may vary according the type of production system. In flow-shop production system the […]

oee formula calculation

The formulation of OEE

April 2, 2018 mmllmm 0

In this paragraph we will provide process designer with a set of topics that need to be addressed when considering the OEE during the design […]

how to calculate oee

Fundamentals of OEE

March 25, 2018 mmllmm 0

“If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.”(Lord Kelvin) It is a common opinion that productivity improvement is nowadays the biggest challenge […]

5s sort

5S: Sort

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

“When in Doubt, Move it Out” The first step in 5S is Sorting essential from non-essential items.  The goal is to leave only the items […]

5s set in order

5S: Straighten (Set in Order)

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

The straighten step establishes designated locations for everything.  This ensures that tools, materials and resources can be found easily when they are needed, and are […]

5s Shine

5S: Shine

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

Organization and cleanliness go hand-in-hand.  After eliminating the non-essential items (sort) and placing everything essential in its proper place (straighten), the next step is to […]

5S Standardize

5S: Standardize

February 2, 2016 mmllmm 0

As with any program, success is dependent on the expectations, guidelines and continued monitoring of the program.  5S is not a spring cleaning activity that […]


5S: Sustain

February 1, 2016 mmllmm 0

The most important element of 5S is developing and encouraging total employee involvement. 5S is not a program for a portion of the workforce.  Everyone, […]

Lean Manufacturing Tools

Lean Manufacturing Tools

February 1, 2016 mmllmm 0

Lean Manufacturing provides a methodology for eliminating waste and improving organizations.  This methodology developed over the last 50+ years, and has yielded a wide array […]

7 Wastes

The 7 Wastes

January 31, 2016 mmllmm 0

The 7 Wastes provide a central theme to the lean methodology.  The goal of lean is to maximize value and minimize waste.  Ultimately, value to […]

Defects and rework

7 Wastes: Defects

January 31, 2016 mmllmm 0

Poor quality and the resulting defects are a major source of cost for many companies.  This is also a cost that is often under reported […]

Waste Motion

7 Wastes: Motion

January 31, 2016 mmllmm 0

Motion is a waste common in both manufacturing and service industries.  This waste is very similar to transportation waste, but relates to movement within a […]

Over Processing Waste

7 Wastes: Processing

January 31, 2016 mmllmm 0

Processing activities are typically viewed as value added.  It is the manufacturing processes that add value to the product and to the customer.  Despite this, […]

Waste - time is money

7 Wastes: Wait Time

January 31, 2016 mmllmm 0

Waiting is one of the 7 Wastes that most people recognize easily.  Eliminating time spent waiting has been a focus of manufacturing improvement activities since […]

Inventory Waste

7 Wastes: Inventory

January 31, 2016 mmllmm 0

Inventory is recognized in as a waste in the lean system.  This is because inventory does not add any value to the customer, but has […]


7 Wastes: Overproduction

January 31, 2016 mmllmm 0

Overproduction occurs when a company manufacturers a product before there is a customer demand. Overproduction can occur with individual processes or across the entire value […]

5s in manufacturing

5S, A Philosophy of Work

January 23, 2016 mmllmm 0

The 5S program highlights basic aspects such as using the proper tool, the proper accessory, and the correct information. It seeks respect for arranged times […]

5S red TAG download

5S Red Tag Strategy

January 6, 2016 mmllmm 0

5S Red Tag procedures (Free download 5S red tag template below) Step 1: Select members from various teams Select a high level manager to participate […]

VSM guide

Guideline on VSM

January 4, 2016 mmllmm 0

1.     Agree on scope and objectives. Know the details that this VSM for some product family, Top level / Middle level / Bottom level. Must […]